
Lesson Run Time: 189 minutes / Release Date: 01/01/2014

CorePiano™ teaches you the basics of the piano. Whether you’re unwrapping your new keyboard or want to learn some fundamentals, CorePiano will get you ‘up to speed’ for your learning experience!

Other Chapters in this Piano Lesson:

Notes of the piano
Low and high notes
The musical alphabet
Finger numbers
How to sit at the piano
The grab technique
Five finger scale
G clef guideposts
Steps and skips
Half and whole-steps
Higher and lower on staff
The F clef
The grand staff
Barlines and measures
Time signatures
The Pedals
Playing hands together
Sharps and flats
Natural symbol
Playing hands together pt 2
Reading notes in groups and intervals
Legato and staccato
Major 5 finger scale
Minor 5 finger scale
Chords major and minor triads
Chord symbols
Key signatures
Basic rhythms

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Comping Chords 2

Lesson Run Time: 37 minutes / Release Date: 10/02/2015

In this fakebook comping lesson we will be using the 3/4-time song Alice In Wonderland to cover some very important piano comping techniques. This is the second part of the lesson and we will cover the rest of the song.

Other Chapters in this Piano Lesson:

Comping Part 2

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Comping Chords 1

Lesson Run Time: 38 minutes / Release Date: 04/20/2013

In this lesson we will be using the 3/4-time song Alice In Wonderland to cover some very important comping techniques. This first part of the lesson will cover the first 16 measures of the song. In upcoming part 2, we will finish the song. This approach will give you the perfect balance between having a challenge and being overwhelmed, thus allowing you to really get the first part of the lesson down pat before moving on.

Other Chapters in this Piano Lesson:

Comping Pt 1

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Improvisation with Chords & Inversions 2

Lesson Run Time: 77 minutes / Release Date: 05/07/2011

In this second volume we are going to learn about different “clustering” techniques which will help you create more progressions and change the progressions you use now. You will also learn a cool jazz/gospel progression along with improvisation tips.

Other Chapters in this Piano Lesson:

Diatonic clustering
Non-diatonic cluster
ii-V-I cluster
Clustering wrapup
Slash sus and diminished
Guide tone improv
Jazz/Gospel Progression
Filling out guide tone lines
Pentatonic lick pt 1
Pentatonic lick pt 2

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Improvisation with Chords & Inversions 1

Learn how to improvise and create chord progressions. Several common progressions are discussed. Great lesson on creating a modern piano sound.

Other Chapters in this Piano Lesson:

  1. Why use chord tones for improv?
  2. Diatonic triads and seventh chords
  3. Common chord progressions
  4. Creating your own chord progression
  5. Using chords outside the diatonic scale
  6. Inverting Chords
  7. The flat VII chord
  8. Flat II III VI chords
  9. Harmonic motion (chord rhythm)
  10. Diminished passing chords
  11. Dominant motion
  12. Slash passing chords
  13. Breaking up the chords: arpeggios+
  14. Adding the 9th
  15. Suspended chords and grace notes
  16. Creating a chord improvisation

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Diatonic Chords 2

Lesson Run Time: 41 minutes / Release Date: 08/07/2015

Have you ever wondered how advanced players are seemingly able to memorize so many tunes and transpose them so easily? Would you like to learn a trick that ALL advanced jazz players know that allows them to do this? This lesson completes the explanation of the concepts introduced in Part 1, starting with an explanation of how to build diatonic 7th chords. You will learn why harmonic analysis (also referred to as Roman numeral analysis) will change the way you think about songs and teach you how to use this information to approach memorization and transposition just like the pros!

Other Chapters in this Piano Lesson:

Using Roman Numerals (7th chords)
Harmonic Analysis
Roman Numeral Formula
Transposition Practice

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Diatonic Chords 1

Diatonic Chords 1

Lesson Run Time: 35 minutes / Release Date: 06/26/2015

Would you like to know what the Beatles, Journey, and Johann Pachelbel can teach you about diatonic harmony? Have you ever wondered about the meaning of all those “theory terms” that advanced musicians use, terms like “scale degree,” “diatonic chords,” or even “Roman numeral analysis”? If so, this lesson is for you because it will completely clarify your understanding and help you “talk the talk.” You will learn these concepts step-by-step and get practical examples while learning what a scale degree is, how to create diatonic triads and 7th chords, and why Roman numeral analysis is so critical in developing your ability to memorize and transpose songs.

Other Chapters in this Piano Lesson:

What is a Scale Degree
Stacking 3rds to Create Triads
Using Roman Numerals
Stacking 3rds to Create 7th Chords

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