Course Description
Ready for more technique and less tension?
Do you suffer pain from playing the piano? Have you hit a wall in your playing speed? Is your body tense while playing? If you answered yes to any of these questions…this collection is for you! I will show you how to overcome pain and tension in your playing using the techniques that I’ve learned over the past 25 years. These exercises and concepts will also help improve your technique and how fast you can play. How to better coordinate your two hands at the piano is also included. We all want to play the piano faster and be stronger in what we play. However, we also need accuracy, dexterity, fluidity, dynamics and most of all musicality. In this collection, I will show you how to achieve these characteristics in your playing through some simple exercises of both your fingers…and your mind! This collection will take most students several months to complete and students are encouraged to come back to these lessons from time to time as a refresher. If you’re looking for beginner piano lessons I would take a look at HomeSchoolPiano. New to improvisation? I would suggest that you first look at my Beginner Improvisation Boot Camp where you will learn a more simplified, step-by-step improvisation approach. Course level: intermediate to advanced Time to complete this course: 10-12 weeksCourse Content